Intel company expects to the fourth quarter to apply 25 nm solid-state memory with the production of SSD with volume up to 600 Gb. The release of memory on old technical processes for micron company is no longer so profitable; therefore, the solid-state disk Intel based on older memory will be removed from production.
From the second quarter, this year Intel company will end the deliveries of solid-state disk, based on 50 nm memory. Products on base of 34 nm memory will be from now supplied, and in the fourth quarter will be added disk on base of 25 nm memory MLC. Intel X25- M will be supplemented by models with 80, 160, 300 and 600 Gb volume. At the same time, in standard size 1.8 inches will be presented disks X 18- N with 80 Gb volume.
In the first quarter 2011 Intel will present the series X 18- N disks with 160 and 300 Gb volume, while in the budgetary series X25- V will appear the 25 nm version with 40 Gb volume.