Under the deal, the conclusion of which was announced on Wednesday, Microsoft sold to Xiaomi 1500 patents related to cloud technologies, multimedia, video, and wireless. Xiaomi, in turn, under an agreement with the American giant has committed to the installation of Microsoft software, including Office and Skype on their smartphones and tablets.
"This is a great agreement on cooperation between the two companies," - said senior vice president Wang Xiang Xiaomi.
According to analysts, Xiaomi's request to become a major player in the mobile market outside China let a small patent portfolio and fear of prolonged litigation with the leading companies in the industry.
"This transaction will give Xiaomi opportunity to go to western markets Their position in China overshadow the constant attacks on the part of local producers of budget Android-smartphone, and therefore the output of the country for the company has become a necessity." - Said British analyst Sameer Singh.
In the first quarter 2016 deliveries of Xiaomi smartphones in China decreased by 9% compared to the same period last year. The company's share in the local market as estimated by Strategy Analytics analyst, declined from 13% to 12%. Xiaomi China has to compete not only with Samsung and Huawei, but also lesser-known manufacturers, including Oppo and Vivo.