Chinese sources said that next year Apple plans to release three new iPhone models, designated as D20, D21 and D22. D20 and D21 - iPhone7s and iPhone 7s Plus, which will replace the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. And under the number D22 hiding third model, which will be different OLED-display with built-in button Home, while the other two get iPhone LCD-screens.
According to sources, iPhone 8 (D22) is being developed under the code name "Ferrari". In addition to the OLED-display smartphone will also get a glass body and support wireless charging. It will consist of two boards connected by a flexible cable. The slot for the SIM-card is Apple's move toward the lower part of the body, like the iPad Pro, allowing more space for the components inside the smartphone.
Announcement iPhone 7s, iPhone 7s 8 and iPhone is expected in autumn 2017. Related Products :