Modern processors are constantly changing their clock frequency and voltage depending on the load level. Intel solution fast operating system, sends a request to change the P-state (Performance State). The processors generation Skylake state control functions have been transferred directly to the CPU - using special OS commands may abdicate these responsibilities. This technology is called Speed Shift.
Of course, Speed Shift requires support from the operating system, so Intel had to actively cooperate with Microsoft to support the implementation of technology in Windows 10. However, in this OS Speed Shift will only appear in a future update in November.
All experiments were performed on a processor Core i7-6600U with a base frequency of 2.6 GHz and the ability to dynamically increase to 3.4 GHz. In addition, the processor can simply dump frequency to 400 MHz to conserve energy. Judging by the published histograms, the effect of Speed Shift is not amazing:
At the level of energy consumption Speed Shift is also slightly affected:
It can be expected that the effect of technology Speed Shift will be more pronounced in the series processors Core Y, having a wide range of dynamic frequencies. Related Products :