While scientists around the world are developing technologies nanowires of carbon nanotubes, the best minds of Stanford University came up with the technology, "cultivation" of nanowires from the good old copper. The diameter of the wire was only three atoms in diameter and wire length is several millimeters.
Interestingly, the nanowires of copper are self-assembled structure. Rather, the interesting thing is that for the self-assembly of conductors is used an inorganic material - sulfur.
Another necessary element for the assembly of copper nanowires become diamonds. Each sulfur atom attached diamond fragment "molecular" size. The composition of the mixture for growing nanowires obtained after a special cleaning oil from Arkansas. Each oil is unique because of its composition (impurities set) depends on the composition of the Earth's crust in situ and mining. Oil from Arkansas contains the impurities of the diamond, without which the conductors in the assembly configuration was found to be impossible. Thus, each copper nanowires is covered with a diamond coating. This feature, for example, can be used to produce electrical energy from sunlight. Related Products :