The markets of the USA and Germany are among the largest in the world, and many companies actively developing autopilot for cars are also concentrated here. The more interesting is to study the results of the Gartner study, which describes the mood of potential users of automatic vehicles. Fifteen thousand residents of the United States and Germany took part in the poll, and 55% of them said they were not ready to use the services of cars, in the management of which a person does not have the opportunity to interfere. But 71% of respondents admit that they would like to use vehicles with partial automation of management functions.
Concerning safety, opinions were divided: some consider it not high enough, others call the reduction of accidents one of the key properties of robocar. It is mistrust of automation that is the main reason why people refuse to travel in cars with automatic control.
The percentage of those who are ready to change to robocar is higher among those who already now use the services of a short-term lease of cars or the joint use of a car on a common route. In suburban areas the number of those who want to give up possession of a private car is less than in the city. In addition, if a person does not have regular parking problems, he is less likely to refuse to own a car. The ability to immediately use the transport is called one of the main reasons for owning a personal car. And even the opportunity to save up to 75% of maintenance costs does not convince the "conservatives" to abandon their personal car. Personal security issues are also mentioned among the priorities when choosing the model of cars .