Today, to the classical methods of control were added : touch screen, motion capture, and even voice recognition mechanisms.
However, the last is not as effective . This is clearly confirmed by the voice search Google, and electronic assistant Siri, although in this case Apple has achieved some success. Improve voice recognition intends Intel company , which for these purposes will include in the composition of processors Broadwell special signal processor (DSP).
Built-in DSP will have the support of technology Smart Sound able to recognize natural speech accurately without excessive load on the CPU. In addition to the hardware component Intel will offer voice assistant Genie, which allows the computer to hear"even in deep sleep mode.
To get started, the user will need to say hello to your computer ("Hello Computer!"), And then enter the confirmation, which will allow access to voice features. By 2015, the technology will be improved.
Currently, Intel is planning to distribute Smart Sound technology in the form of a package of licenses to all who somehow interested in the decision. Related Products :