In the south-east of Japan is Yokkaichi city, within which a joint venture with Toshiba and SanDisk are several semiconductor factories engaged in the production of memory chips. In July 2011, was launched on an object called Fab 5, due to the growing demand for flash memory, it was decided to expand.
According to a press release , the construction of a second production line Fab 5 will begin in August this year, all capital works will be completed by the summer 2014. In the factory equipment will be installed for the production of memory using advanced technological processes, including the three-dimensional chips layout .
The new production unit will be similar to the previously launched: it will also use LED lighting, anti-seismic effects and power outages, as well as systems that enable effective use of thermal energy. The object will release to the atmosphere less than 13% of carbon dioxide compared to Fab 4.
Expanding the plant, Toshiba and SanDisk are hoping to improve their competitiveness in the market of memory chips. Related Products :